Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fabric for wedding pants

here are some pix of the fabric i have included the one that really doesn't work...(the second one down) and the rest are  of the one we like that would go so nice wiht the navy jacket...KC put his new navy jacket on (from jc Penny and only $100) and folded the fabric around his leg and it looked gresat!  so let me know what oyu think....we like the extra colors and think the navy jackets will be fine but not to incdue blue flowers
let us know

1 comment:

Gary & Chris said...

Love love love the madras. It should look soooo sharp with navy blazer! I was afraid of the second one down. Phew. Glad it's not that one! I agree no blue flowers but you could do really pretty variety with other colors in the pants. I say eets a weener!!! xoxo