Monday, May 25, 2009

A Special Gift for A Special Friend! A Yo-Yo Wine Carrier!!!!

A visit to my friend Pam in Wrightsville Beach prompted me to make a fun gift to take along.
Who'd have thunk! What a great way to use your scraps and those fabrics that just don't "fit" into a quilt!

Here are some of the tacky fabrics and the cool yo-yo's they make......never throw out an ugly fabric's probably perfect for a yo-yo!!!

The colors these weird fabrics include make the yo-yo's very colorful accents to add to any project but perfect for this one.

During the past year when I had idle hand syndrome...especially at night when watching TV I would make yo-yo's hoping to find a fun project to use them in someday!

By zig-zagging the yo-yos together on the machine it creates a cool grid.

Here you can see the grid created by zig-zagging in both directions.....

I made a black canvas bag just the right size for carrying one bottle of wine. The yo-yo grid ended up 8 rows of 9 each to connect around the black canvas bag....

After slipping the grid over the bag I stitched the top and bottom to the edges of the bag....

To make the holder/carrier more sturdier...I cut two circles of cardboard and sandwiched them between clear contact paper so the disks would be firm and liquid case of a sweating wine bottle!!!!!

Here's the cardboard sandwich....

Trim off the extra contact paper......

Insert the covered disk in the bottom of the holder.....

Here is a close up of the yo-yo grid cover over the black canvas bag.....

VOI- LA-LA!!!!!! A fun gift to give a special friend!!!! Colorful and useful!!!!!

You'd never know it was tacky looking fabric!!!!!!!!
A great gift!!!!!

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