Thursday, January 1, 2009

Samples of Fabrics

Here are some shots of the "man" fabrics............the point of these fabrics is chosen for the many interests and talents of men in our lives.....they are a glimpse into his life. Mike A is married to my best friend...he was a good friend to my late husband..and he helped me finish building my house when an unscrupulous builder made off with all our money and left an unfinished shell. Mike took plans that I drew on a paper napkin and computerized the plans; he did most all of the rough building and all of the finish work along with my brothers and brother in law Gary. Weeks after my husband passed away Mike and Gary had the house finished and when I was forced to sell it and move from the area I made an extra $25,000 then the asking price due in large part to the hard work of Mike and Gary. Do we see a purpose here? Not only are they great guys, they like to fish, go to the beach, cook, watch the Giants AND they were both in the Navy although at differnet times, they served our nation well. Mike camps out in the "wild" and Gary uses his HUGE RV!!!! So the choice of fabric depends on your fellow's, flying ,etc.....I'll keep my eye out for golf and harley fabric for my one brother.....and surf boards, cameras and bagels for the other!!!!! This is like a snowball rolling down a hill!!!! Lordy-loo ANOTHER reason for collecting fabric........

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